Category Archives: science

Conductors & Insulators!


In science, we are learning about electricity.  This week we conducted an experiment investigating which material will conduct electricity and which will not (insulate).  We charged a balloon and held it beside a variety of materials (metal paperclip, wooden skewer, plastic straw, pencil, nail, spoon and a ruler).  We hung tissue at the far end of each material.  We tested the materials to see which allowed the electricity to travel from the balloon to move the tissue.  We discovered that the materials made from metal conducted electricity best.

Charging the Balloons


Setting up


Wooden Skewer


Metal Spoon and paperclip- watch the tissue move!


Plastic Straw- no movement!


Static Fun!



Lungs Model!



In science we are learning about the human body.  This week we are focusing on the lungs.  We constructed a model of the lungs using a plastic bottle (the ribcage), a straw (the trachea), a balloon (the lung) and a stretched balloon (the diaphragm). 

P1090259When the stretched balloon (diaphragm) at the base of the bottle is pulled down, air rushes in and fills the balloon (lung).  This demonstrates how we inhale air.  When the stretched balloon returns to its position, the air rushes out, demonstrating exhalation! 


Fun with Forces!


In science, we have been learning about forces.  Last week we investigated air resistance and its effect on different sized parachutes. 

teddy parachute

Each group made three parachutes with string, playdoh and a black plastic bag.  Each parachute was a different size (15cm X 15cm, 30cmX 30cm and 50cm X 50cm).  To ensure it was a fair test, the string and playdoh were the same size for each parachute. We only changed the size of the parachute canopy.  We then put them to the test! Each group released their parachutes! We discovered that the larger canopy had the greatest air resistance and was the last to land.  The smallest had the least air resistance and as a result travelled faster and was the first to land!


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Green Flag Launch!


Today, our school launched the green flag for transport.  To achieve the transport flag, the school community is encouraged to help the environment by travelling to school in less cars and more walking, cycling, scooting, bus and car-pooling.  The day started with ‘Park & Stride.’  All staff, parents and students gathered in the church car park and walked to school.   It is hoped this will mark the start of ‘greener’ methods of travelling to school for the purpose of the environment and also to increase physical activity levels.  In line with keeping active, each child participated in a fitness bootcamp! This was great fun as well as healthy!  Well done to all!

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Lighthouse Construction!


In science, we have been learning about electricity.  We learned about making an electrical circuit to light a bulb, create movement and activate a speaker.  We applied what we learned to construct a lighthouse.  First we painted a pringles box (lighthouse), a card bowl (cliff) and a paper plate (sea).  We then created a circuit using wire, paper clips, a bulb and a battery and attached this to our lighthouse.


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Lungs model


We have been learning about the important function of the lungs in our body.  We constructed a model of the lungs using a plastic bottle as the rib cage, a straw as the trachea and bronchus, a balloon as the lung and stretched plastic/ balloon as the diaphragm.  When the diaphragm is pulled down, the balloon inflates like a lung inhaling air.


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