School Tour 2016


Yesterday we went to Lilliput on our school tour! We had great fun participating in a wide range of activities from bog hopping and kayaking to archery and orienteering! A great day was had by all!

canoe from Lisa Fitzgerald on Vimeo.






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Proclamation Day- 1916 Commemoration Ceremony


There was great excitement around the school today when we commemorated the 1916 rising with a display of music, art and drama.   The ceremony began with the reading of the proclamation followed by a performance of ‘The Foggy Dew.’  After this the students got in character as the leaders of the Rising, each narrating their personal story and role in the Rising. All sang ‘Oró Sé Do Bheatha Bhaile’ by Pádraig Pearse.  This was followed by a beautiful performance of ‘Grace’ by Lauren, Sophie and Michael which details Joseph Plunkett’s marriage to Grace Gifford.  Then Keisha and Emma read out a new proclamation outlining our hopes for the future of Ireland and for our school community.  This was signed by class representatives from the school council.  We then gathered outside for the flag ceremony.  The flag was hoisted to the tune of our national anthem ‘Amhrán na bhFiann.’ Well done everybody for all your hard work in making today a truly special commemoration day.









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General Election 2016!


Today we enjoyed participating in a mock election in fifth class.  Children selected their first, second and third preferences on their ballot sheet.  The sheets were punched and stamped and placed in the ballot box.  Then we counted the votes adopting the use of proportional representation.  It was a great way to understand the election process. We look forward to comparing our mock results to the real general election results!

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Fit for Fifth!


For the new year, we are working very hard to keep fit! We did the bleep test last week to measure our fitness levels.  We plan to train for six weeks and then retest our fitness levels.  As part of our training, we have been jogging twice a day and dancing with Jenny as well as in the classroom.  We will also be doing circuit training in the coming weeks- let the fun begin!

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